Option One
The first and best way to bail someone out of jail (for most people) is to work with a trusted bail bond agency. While this might sound obvious, it’s still true—bail can be very expensive, sometimes well over $10,000.
Obviously, most people are unable to afford such a large amount.
The advantage of working with a licensed bail bond company is that you don’t have to pay the full bail amount yourself. Instead, you only need to pay a 15 percent bail bond premium to the bail bond company, which will post the bond on your behalf.
For example, if your bail amount is set at $10,000, you’ll only need to pay $1,500.
Once you’ve acquired the services of a licensed bail bond agency, they will not only post bond for you but will also handle other details related to your bail bond.
Option Two
If you CAN afford your full bail amount, then what you’ll want to do is contact the jail where your loved one is being held and ask them how and where you should post bail. Different jails have different requirements.
The different jails in Las Vegas are as follows:
- Las Vegas Detention Center (Las Vegas City Jail)
- Clark County Detention Center (CCDC, but it is also called the Las Vegas Detention Center)
- Henderson Detention Center (also called the Las Vegas Immigration Jail)
- North Las Vegas Community Correctional Center (North Las Vegas Jail or North Las Vegas Detention Center or North Las Vegas CCC)
What Is The Absolute Quickest Way To Get Out of Jail?
Now that you know how to post bail in Las Vegas, the real question is, how do you do it as fast as possible?
Well, you’ve probably guessed the answer. It’s working with a licensed bail bond agency. This really is the best solution in most cases.
Your bail bond agency will know the ins and outs of the bail process and will be able to direct you on where to go, what to do, what you can expect during your bail hearing, and more.
How Fast Can You Get Out of Jail?
In Las Vegas, the amount of time it takes to get released from jail depends on what facility you are being held in.
The Clark County Detention Center, for instance, has a bail window with a sticker that says, “Do not expect anyone out for 24 hours,” but we do know that most people are released in 6 to 12 hours.
The other jails in Las Vegas have similar timeframes.
The delays are necessary to process your bail bond payment and schedule your release.
What Delays Release After Posting Bail?
You may encounter delays with your release if the jail is busy or if the courthouse has many cases at once. These are the two scenarios we can think of.
How Long Do Bail Hearings Last In Las Vegas
Bail hearings are not long. In fact, they usually only last 5 to 10 minutes. They can, however, go on for much longer if your defense attorney calls witnesses to testify on your behalf.
The two main reasons why witnesses would be called to testify for you are (1) to get you released on OR (Own Recognizance) and (2) to reduce your bail amount.
If your bail hearing doesn’t turn out favorably, you’re allowed to request an appeal, which will lead to another bail hearing.
Advantages of Getting A Bail Bond As Soon as Possible
Here are the top advantages:
1. You Can Spend More Time With Your Loved Ones
Stated more simply, a defendant who posts bail is given the opportunity to spend more time with their loved ones before awaiting trial. While the court may set a curfew or release conditions, such as staying away from certain locations or interacting with witnesses or other defendants, if you post bail, you will be able to spend more time with your loved ones. This can be especially helpful if you have kids or other dependents.
2. You Can Have More Control Over Your Environment and Schedule
If you were arrested, you are probably feeling powerless and scared, as rightfully so. While in jail, your environment and schedule become completely controlled by the detention facility. However, you can avoid having to be subject to this. By posting bail, you will have more control over your environment and schedule while you are awaiting trial.
3. You Can Keep Your Job and Your House
Many people think that if they get arrested, their job and house are automatically gone. While this may be true if you have to go to jail for an extended period of time, this is not always the case. You may be able to keep your job and house if you post bail. Posting bail will allow you to go back to your job and use the earnings from this job to pay your rent or mortgage, thus keeping your house at the same time.
4. You Can Develop a Defense Strategy and Gather Evidence
If you are arrested and charged with a crime, the first step to building a defense is analyzing the charges and gathering as much evidence as possible. However, if you remain in jail, this may prove very difficult to do. If you are released on bail, you will be able to develop a strong defense strategy and gather evidence to support your case.
Here are some tips for doing both:
i. Make sure you understand the charges against you. Find out what crimes you are being accused of and read any documents related to the case. This will help you better understand your legal rights and how to defend yourself.
ii. Talk to an attorney as soon as possible. You need to work with an attorney who can help with developing a defense strategy, gathering evidence, and protecting your rights during the evidence-gathering process. You may also want to consider hiring a public defender if you cannot afford an attorney.
5. You Can Have a Support System During This Time
Maybe you were arrested for a crime you didn’t commit, or maybe you did commit the crime. Regardless of what happened, having a support system is key during this time. Your friends and family can provide emotional and mental support when you need it most. They can remind you that you’re not alone in this situation, and they can offer words of encouragement. Posting bail can ensure that you can keep in touch with them throughout the process. It’ll help keep your spirits high while you wait for the justice you deserve to be served.
6. You Can Avoid Mistakenly Uttering Incriminating Statements
Jail is a place where people are confined and have little freedom. This can make it difficult to know what to say or do. Many people feel like they have found a “confidant” in jail, and they may mistakenly (or knowingly) make incriminating statements while in jail. Staying in jail can lead to you saying something that could be used against you in court, so it is always a good idea to post bail as soon as possible.
7. You Can Protect Your Image in Your Neighborhood
In order to protect one’s image, it is important to post bail as soon as possible. Take, for example, getting arrested and coming home six months or a year later. Even if you were found not guilty at the end of the case, it is very likely that your neighbors would believe you were guilty and may paint a negative image of you in their minds. Don’t be surprised if they even start to avoid you.
Further Reading: Other Bail Bond FAQs
We get these questions a lot, so we’re addressing them here.
Q: How Much Bail Do You Have To Pay In Las Vegas?
The Eighth Amendment states that no person can be given an excessive bail amount.
Bail’s true purpose is to provide an assurance to the courts that defendants will not skip bail and put unnecessary strain on the legal system.
The Eighth Amendment is in place to maintain and clarify the true purpose of bail and to protect defendants from being manipulated by the legal system and effectively held as prisoners without trial.
Bail in Nevada is set based on the following schedule:
- Common misdemeanors $1,000 to $5,000.
- Gross misdemeanors $2,000 to $5,000.
- Felonies $3,000 to $20,000.
In cases of domestic violence, bail is higher compared to other misdemeanors and ranges between $3,000 and $5,000.
The amount of bail for possessing marijuana hovers around $1,000 for first-time offenders but runs significantly higher if the defendant is a repeat offender.
Bail for marijuana possession with the intent to sell is around $5,000.
The bail amount for driving under the influence runs between $2,000 and $5,000. However, these amounts don’t apply if the defendant has been accused of physically harming or killing another person while operating a vehicle under the influence.
Note: In addition to capital murder, battery with intent to commit sexual assault does not have a standard bail amount in the state of Nevada.
Q: Do You Get Bail Bond Money Back?
Yes, you do…but only if you honor all of the court’s requirements.
If you DO meet the court’s requirements, then your bail amount will be returned to you after the trial, even if you are found guilty.
If you hire a bail bond company and don’t show up for court, then the company will lose the money that they posted on your behalf.
In a situation like this, your bail bond company will recoup its losses by confiscating your collateral.
Before posting bond for you, most bail bond agencies require collateral of some kind, be it jewelry, a vehicle, property, or some other form of value.
Q: How to Get Someone Out of Jail With No Money
It is possible to get out of jail with no money. This is called getting released on OR (Own Recognizance), which usually only occurs when someone doesn’t have a criminal history and also has a good reputation.
The more positives you can present to the judge, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to go free without having to post bail.
If your request to get released on OR is denied, you can alternatively request to get your bail amount reduced. The best chance you have of getting a bail reduction is by working with a defense attorney.
Q: Can You Bail Someone Out Of Jail Anytime?
Usually, yes. But there are some exceptions.
One exception is if the crime is severe enough to warrant that the person NOT be released from jail, such as in the case of capital murder.
Bail may also be denied if a person poses a “flight risk,” meaning they are likely to not show up for court on their appointed court dates. Finally, serial offenders, as well as people who pose a serious risk to the community, could be denied bail.
Q: In What Cases Can Bail Be Granted?
Barring the situations mentioned above, you can expect bail to be granted for misdemeanor and felony cases.
To increase your chances of getting bail, it’s a good idea to show up early to court, be respectful to the officers and the judge, and dress in a nice outfit.
This will go a long way in making your time in court go a lot smoother. If you have any questions about what you should and should not do, we would be happy to answer them for you. Call us anytime.